Still Wondering!

Why is there is a need of installing solar power plant?

Why every big, small businesses all around the world running after solar power?

Why teams of scientist keeps on researching to make solar more efficient?

Why government of INDIA is working on National solar mission of 100 GW electricity generation through solar by the year 2022?

so let's understand some of the reasons for all these WHY hovering our mind..

 1) Solar is a Secure Investment

The utility companies are notorious for their fluctuating and unreliable electricity prices. There is clearly an upward trend. With solar panels and simple math, we can calculate how much electricity will be generated, and most importantly, at what price, for at least the next 25 years (fixed
energy costs).

2) Solar power offers long term savings:

After the initial investment, it costs practically nothing to harness the power of the sun, but coal , oil continues to get more expensive day by day. Most owners of solar systems will see a savings of at least ---- amount per year
Let us fill the gap by calculating solar saving per year. 

In India there is 300 - 330 sunny days a year.
1 KW of plant generates approx 5 unit per day.
5 X 300 = 1500 units a year.
1500 X 7 (Industrial cost) = 10,500 per year. saving for 1 KW.
25 X 10500 = 2,62,500 in 25 year.
Note : electricity rates will keep on increasing.

3) Solar power can generate income:

If you‘re able to produce more solar power than you use, you can export power to the grid. This can cause your electrical meter to run backward  and in some cases, utility providers may pay you for electricity. This is what‘s known as a net metering plan

4) Low maintenance:

Solar energy panels require very little maintenance. After solar panels are installed, there is only basic yearly maintenance and cleaning to keep them in good working order. Solar cells have no moving parts, and they stand up well against damage.

5) Consistent and constant power source: 

We know that every day the sun will rise and set  and we even know when it will happen. We can even predict weather and seasonal sunlight projections, so it‘s easy to forecast when power will be plentiful. And often, the sun shines when we need power the most.

6) Low Payback Period :

The payback period is in many cases less than 5 years. In INDIA it takes property owners on average 4 years before the monthly savings (in terms of lower electricity costs) meets the total costs of the solar system.

7) Create Energy Independence:

The utility electricity sector in India has one National Grid with an installed capacity of 329.23 GW as on 30 June 2017. Out of which approx. 60 % generation is through coal, even having enough coal resources, due to the low calorific value of INDIAN coal, it is being imported in India,  solar can help to reduce India dependence on foreign energy.
Also we will inevitably run out of oil, coal and natural gas. While we continue our consumption of these increasingly expensive and dangerous energy source, our national security and economy suffers.
That is why Solar is one step in the right direction.

8) Solar power is a renewable resource:

We can‘t make more oil. Eventually, it will run out. But the sun will never run out and if it does, we have more problems to worry about than powering our homes, Solar power is a renewable resource that can be used over and over again without depletion. The sun provides us with an inexhaustible energy supply that is more than enough to power the world  if we harness it.

9) Most Importantly It does not harm the environment.

Unlike coal which produces approx 1 Kg of CO2 and many other harmful gases,  in generation of 1 Unit of electricity. Solar does not harm our environment
Installing 1 KW of solar power plant is like planting 20 trees and we all know what situations our country is facing regarding pollution, according to WHO among top 15 most polluted cities of the world 14 cities were from India .
I guess this is the greatest reason to go solar, so that you can gift a healthy environment to your coming generations.



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