Let’s go 30 years ahead in time.
Imagine you are playing with your grandson, a 3-year-old
"Kaviyansh". You are having a great time because you love playing
with him, he is the soul of your entire family. Suddenly, he hits himself by a
table, lying in middle of the courtyard which was placed there by your spouse. His
baby soft head starts bleeding, and he cries out loud in pain. His creamy
cheeks turn red. You rush and provide him with vital first aid. You blame and
scold your better half for improperly placing the table which caused the entire
incident. However, it was a minor wound and gets healed in a week.
Now imagine a different scenario. After few
months when Kaviyansh was getting ready for his play school, he suddenly starts
coughing out blood. Your entire family gets stunned with this and rushes to
hospital. After all the prescribed test and checkups, doctor tells the family
with a heavy heart that the baby is suffering with lung cancer, and there is
only 10% chances to cure him and that too require a high budget operation.
Whom do you blame now?
Considering the rate with which the pollution is
increasing in India, the way we are polluting the nature without considering
the consequences; the above scenario is surely going to happen sooner or later with
most of us.
It’s great that we are growing technically. The entire
nation is getting electrified. The telecom sector has reached most parts of the
country. Even the remotest part of the country is now connected via roadways. But here
are some of the facts which I want to state with a guilt and in concern for the
- According to a WHO study, 9 of the top 10 world's
most polluted cities are from India, also 14 of the top 20 are from
- Over a million Indians die prematurely every year due to
air pollution according to the non-profit Health Effects Institute. Over
two million children (which is equivalent to half the children in Delhi)
have abnormalities in their lung’s functioning.
- If the pollution level keeps on increasing at the
present rate, the life expectancy would drop by at least 10 years in some
parts of the country by 2022.
- Of all the sources of air pollution, power sector
contributes the highest share of 21%.
- India is the world's third largest
producer and third largest consumer of electricity with an
installed capacity of 345.5 GW.
- Largest percentage of electricity is produced through
Coal i.e. 57% in July 2018, thankfully it got lowered from the
previous year’s 76.5% FY 2016-17.
- The coal-based thermal power plants in India are the
least efficient and therefore the most polluting in the world, says study.
- Combustion of coal for energy is the largest source of
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on the planet, making up 41% of
all CO2 emissions in 2015
- Thermal power plants pushed nationwide levels of Sulphur
dioxide (SO2), a toxic gas, by 32 percent and fine particles
called PM 2.5 by 34 percent.
- India's electricity emissions intensity was 901.7g CO2/kWh
in 2005 and increased to 926g CO2/kWh in 2012. It means approx.
1 kg of CO2 is emitted in producing 1 unit of electricity.
Being an electrical engineer, I have given you
some facts about pollution caused due to electricity generation, and we
really have to keep a check on this major sector of pollution.
Other than this, there are many other direct or
indirect sources which cause pollution.
- Population
is one of the biggest indirect cause, and it is estimated that by 2025
India is expected to surpass China as the world's most populous country. As
population will increase it will increase pollution and situation is
going to worsen by every passing day.
- Transportation
sector in India emits an estimated 261 tons of CO2 and is
a prime contributor in green house effects.
- Also
use of plastics, polythene, dumping garbage, wasting food which gets
rotten and produce harmful gaseous are some of the other causes of
We Indians who tops the list with 356 million young people as the country of
world’s largest youth population, must
take an action to make our country clean, green and healthy. A country
with healthy air, passionate citizens, happily working for the growth and
prosperity of their selves, society and the country.
I have found my passion and the way to give
something back to my country and people. WE (Wechitra Enterprises) are
generating electricity through solar power which is one of the best ways to
reduce percentage of pollution caused due to electricity.
You may be surprised to know Installing 1 kw of solar power plant is equal to planting 20
trees. Also, WE are working hard to give engineers a
career path to work upon.
Think what you can do for you and your family’s
better future. Join us today in our efforts to protect the nation before it’s
too late. Adopt the power of solar energy and leave behind a cleaner atmosphere
for the upcoming generation.
Thanks, and Regards
Poonam Dogra
Wechitra Enterprises
mail us at
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