
Is it just a Word?

You would be expecting me to write a good definition similar to which you have read in Books, Google, Wikipedia.

But SORRY it is not that serious but something much serious.

You would find most of the people in mainly in India saying words like " Engineering to bekar hi mai kar di" or " Engineers ki to koi ijjat hi ni " or many more saying which will make people feel that why they have chosen Engineering in there graduation or people don't want there kids to pursue engineering.

And truly speaking it hurts me very much when people make fun of engineers, or jokes being cracked on engineers that too by engineers themselves.

Friends as an electrical engineer I know the situations of India which is very painful that our youth is not getting employment, and there is lack of growing technology, production and hence jobs in India.

So I want you to think for a second, that what is the main cause for this unemployment, I am focusing mainly the engineering field because I don't have much indulgence in other fields.

so what's the conclusion you came with?

Is is it the government which is responsible for this unemployment, does not matter which party is ruling all remain busy for 5 years in making there votes by playing political games of religion, caste, state, culture.

Or are we going to blame our education system which never focus on practical knowledge and the whole education system make us mug up those books which are typically out of date, and vomit it in exams to run the rat race of coming first, second, third without growing our knowledge. 
Sorry for saying outdated books Of-course YES ! I agree with the fact that basics will remain same but should be updated with new technology.

Or are you thinking for next option. Yes "Destiny" it is the best option we can blame upon, right..
that "I don't have good financial background", "I don't have any jack in the industries", " oh I am born in a wrong country" , "God never helps me" what else.

Am I finished with all the options or you have any other as well. ?

So what to do ? Now Ask yourself, 

1) Have you given more time to cultivate your mind by gaining important and deep knowledge of         your field than wasting time in social medias by enjoying nonsense post and videos, 
2) Have you tried with full of your strength towards your goal, your dream job or company.
3) Did you believed in yourself before blaming other factors.
4) Or was engineering your passion.

I think answers for these questions is. NO.

Believe Me, you are the creator of your destiny it's your life , and you have to choose the way where you want to lead your life. If you haven't fight with your full potential then how can you blame others, make your own way with your enormous potential you can do anything. Now you don't believe ME Right! but believe YOURSELF.

" Either Change the things you don't like or like the things you cannot change " 

And remember you are powerful and if you are passionate about engineering then you can create great invention and can contribute to make a nation of your dreams for your future generations.

Thank You very much for giving your precious time.


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